I wrote this several years ago in seminary, but it remains just as relevant today: The Supremacy of God in Preaching is built upon the premise that “the vision of a great God is the linchpin in the life of the church, both in pastoral care and missionary outreach” and that, consequently, “our people need […]
Archives for January 2011
The Potential of Low-Cost Digital Book Distribution for Massively Improving Global Literacy
The Stanford Social Innovation Review has a good article on Worldreader.org’s effort to help improve global literacy through getting e-books into the hands of children in the developing world, rather than print books. The lower cost of digital distribution makes it possible to get more books into the hands of more people in the developing […]
Why Facebook — And Your Church — Might be Making You Sad
Good thoughts from Russ Moore. We need to remember that the Christian life is “sorrowful yet always rejoicing” (2 Corinthians 6:10). Not either/or, both-and.
You Cannot be Teachable Unless You Are Critical
Excellent. From Justin Taylor, quoting Adler’s How to Read a Book (p. 140): Teachability is often confused with subservience. A person is wrongly thought to be teachable if he is passive and pliable. On the contrary, teachability is an extremely active virtue. No one is really teachable who does not freely exercise his power of […]
Is Asking Questions of the Biblical Text Respectful?
Yesterday I posted a passage from John Piper’s book Think: The Life of the Mind and the Love of God on the importance of asking questions of the biblical text in order to grow in our understanding (this is true in the rest of life as well!). For example, simply asking the question “why is […]
Edwards: Give Your Youth to Seeking the Things of God
Edwards: It is fitting that we should begin our lives with God; and the first business persons should enter upon should be getting into a converted state and condition. Therefore God has so ordered it in providence that in the beginning or morning of our lives there should be room left for it. There is […]