This is a fantastic new book by my friend Alex Chediak. It gives solid advice and is written with a very clear and engaging style. I recommend everything Alex writes.
Here’s my blurb for Beating the College Debt Trap:
“As a college student, I never had to think about debt. For most students, those days are over. Fortunately, Alex Chediak has given us an easy-to-follow roadmap on avoiding the college debt trap that is both insightful and fun to read. You will come away from this book both equipped and inspired. Best of all, he shows how the ultimate aim of minimizing debt is not to maximize our own wealth, but to maximize our freedom to serve others in creative ways without hindrance.” Matt Perman – Author, What’s Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way You Get Things Done
And here is what some others had to say:
“After writing for college students (Thriving at College) and for parents of prospective college students (Preparing Your Teens for College), Alex Chediak has now written a book that all of us need: Beating the College Debt Trap. Readers can trust Alex. He knows the college world inside out (both as a student and as a professor) and he is able to cut through the confusion, break down what you need to know, and present the results in a wise and accessible way. Learning the information in this book is an exercise in stewardship. Ignore it at your own risk!” Justin Taylor – Blogger and managing editor, The ESV Study Bible
“A college education with little or no debt: the seemingly impossible dream for today’s students. Here’s how to make it happen.” Dr. Peter W. Wood – President, National Association of Scholars
“Debt is one of the greatest enemies of the Great Commission. Alex Chediak knows the danger full well, and offers a wealth of wisdom in this timely book.” Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr. – President, Southern Seminary
“Far too many high school graduates take out college loans before realizing that they have unwittingly subjected themselves to years of crippling debt. Alex Chediak feels their pain, and he has written a practical primer for helping to avoid the college debt trap. Before you head to college–before you even decide whether or not to attend college–you need to read this book!” Jim Daly – President, Focus on the Family
This book is a must-read if you are in high school looking ahead to college, are already in college, or are a parent of a college student or soon-to-be college student. If you haven’t already, pick up a copy from Amazon.