The pattern of the Christian life seems to be trial, deliverance, trial, deliverance, trial, deliverance: “. . . my persecutions and sufferings that happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, and at Lystra—which persecutions I endured; yet from them all the Lord rescued me. Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ […]
Archives for August 2011
In What Ways Did Jesus Suffer?
Jesus’ sufferings were more than just physical. He experienced the full range of human suffering, to the greatest extent: He was betrayed: “Judas, would you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?” (Luke 22:48). He was taken captive: “Then they came up and laid hands on Jesus and seized him” (Matthew 26:50). He was […]
A Theology of the Body: Working Out One of Evangelicalism's Least Developed Doctrines
My friend, Matt Anderson, has a piece in Christianity Today on a theology of the body. You might not agree with everything, but I commend Matt for giving attention and hard thinking to a much overlooked doctrine. And, the article is extremely well written. In my opinion, Matt is one of the best writers in […]
Hybels' Five Words Summarizing the Core of Christianity
Continuing from the previous post, what are the five words Hybels is thinking through to summarize the core of Christianity? “When I started doing this I thought it would be a fun, exciting exercise. What I saw is that this can turn soft-spoken Christian leaders into junkyard dogs. What are our five words at Willow? […]
Hybels: Don't Lose the Core of Christianity
Hybels right now: “It’s easier than you think it is for churches to ‘lose the plot’ of what’s most important. “Churches are in the life transformation business. Churches are supposed to turn hateful people into loving people, selfish people into loving people, prejudiced people into radically inclusive people. We are in the people transformation business. […]
Why Christians Worship – Why Worship Matters at a Conference on Leadership
The worship is going on right now. Since I’m down in the tech room and can’t really participate, it has me thinking. And if you think about it, it actually raises a question: Here we are at a conference on leadership, and we are worshiping. Why? Why do Christians worship at all? If Christianity were […]
John Piper: "Do Something Risky With Your Life"
A fantastic, short video of John Piper:
The Meaning of the Credit Downgrade
From an article in the Wall Street Journal last week; the points are still relevant and helpful now that the downgrade has actually happened: Even without a debt default, it looks increasingly possible that the world’s credit rating agencies will soon downgrade U.S. debt from the AAA standing it has enjoyed for decades. A downgrade […]
Jonathan Edwards' Advice to Pastors
Edwards: Ministers, in order to be burning and shining lights, should walk closely with God, and keep near to Christ; that they may ever be enlightened and enkindled by him. And they should be much in seeking God, and conversing with him by prayer, who is the fountain of light and love.