In the upcoming book The Lost World of Adam and Eve, NT Wright has a chapter called “Paul’s Use of Adam [in Romans 5; 1 Cor 15] is More Interested in the Effect of Sin on the Cosmos Than in the Effect of Sin on Humanity and Has Nothing to Say About Human Origins: Excursus on Paul’s […]
A Theology of the Body: Working Out One of Evangelicalism's Least Developed Doctrines
My friend, Matt Anderson, has a piece in Christianity Today on a theology of the body. You might not agree with everything, but I commend Matt for giving attention and hard thinking to a much overlooked doctrine. And, the article is extremely well written. In my opinion, Matt is one of the best writers in […]
Earthen Vessels: Why Our Bodies Matter to Our Faith
Matthew Anderson’s book Earthen Vessels: Why Our Bodies Matter to Our Faith has recently been released, and it is well worth picking up. I haven’t finished it yet, but I have really enjoyed what I have read so far, and am looking forward to the whole thing. The body is a much neglected subject in […]