An excellent article by Justin Taylor and Joe Rigney. In my view, with this article Justin Taylor takes his place as one of the best young evangelical writers today, along with Matt Anderson (whom I previously mentioned in this regard). It is not only informative and helpful, but so well written. This is characteristic of […]
Archives for November 2013
The Best Systematic Theologies to Have
I’ve been really, really enjoying John Frame’s new Systematic Theology. It is so clear and it is a joy to read. It is especially helpful (and unique) to see how his thinking on tri-perspectivalism relates to each doctrine. After I tweeted about Frame’s book, a friend of mine asked me an excellent question: How many […]
Why it is So Important to Distinguish Jesus from Religion
Jefferson Bethke, in Jesus > Religion: Why He Is So Much Better Than Trying Harder, Doing More, and Being Good Enough, talks about how he came to recognize this his senior year in college while serving as an RA in his dorm. There are some really excellent points here: So being a follower of Jesus […]
Are the Beatitudes Commands?
One author writes: The New Testament is full of commands for us to obey. Full of them. The Sermon on the Mount is no exception….[But] the Beatitudes, Jesus’s introduction to the Sermon on the Mount, are a different story. There you’ll not find a single imperative. Not one. The Beatitudes, of course, are Jesus’ statements […]
Joseph and the Gospel of Many Colors
I’m looking forward to Voddie Baucham’s new book on the relationship of the story of Joseph to redemptive history. The trailer does a great job of sparking your interest:
A Biblical Case for Limited Government
JP Moreland has written a great article showing that the Scriptures affirm principles of limited government, not big government. Here’s the start: A few years ago on ABC’s The View, Star Parker and Michael Moore had an instructive exchange. To justify state-regulated universal healthcare, Moore sought to marshal support from Jesus: Jesus claimed that if […]
Five Reasons Christians Should Embrace Economic Freedom
A very helpful article by Anne Bradley at The Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics. Here’s a great part, which shows the connection between our mandate as Christians to care for the poor and the importance of economic freedom as a means of enabling the poor to lift themselves from poverty: Reason #2: We are […]
Beyond Bad Religion
I enjoyed this post by Jud Wilhite over at Catalyst on the difference between Jesus and religion. Way back in college I first heard someone say “Christianity is not a religion, it’s a relationship with God,” and I loved it. I’m not interested in getting people involved in ritual and ceremony, and frankly, I stink […]