An incredibly insightful observation by Jefferson Bethke in Jesus > Religion: I think the more focused Christians are on external behavior, the greater the possibility they are trying to make up for what they lack in their hearts. When we have no real transforming power of Jesus in our hearts, we hold up a list of external […]
The Gospel in Ecclesiastes?
In the latest issue of The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, Eric Ortland has an excellent article called “The Gospel in the Book of Ecclesiastes.” It is an excellent article. I don’t think the JETS articles are online, but if you subscribe to JETS, check it out. Here is one of the most helpful […]
What is the Gospel?
On Easter, it is always good to refresh our understanding of the gospel so we can avoid the trap of being pulled away by additions to it that undermine our relationship with God. Here’s how I summarize it in a call-out box in What’s Best Next, in a chapter where I talk about the relationship between the […]
Joseph and the Gospel of Many Colors
I’m looking forward to Voddie Baucham’s new book on the relationship of the story of Joseph to redemptive history. The trailer does a great job of sparking your interest:
Some Spiritual Advice
I’m not sure that the essence of repentance is being able to list of all your sins to the Lord. Obviously, it is crucial to recognize our specific sins, confess, and repent. But it seems to me that we also have to recognize before the Lord our sin of not being able to see all […]
Why Did Jesus Tell the Rich Young Ruler to Sell All that He Had?
We all know the story: A ruler comes to Jesus and says “what must I do to inherit the eternal life?” Jesus, instead of saying, “believe in me,” says “You know the commandments: Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not bear false witness, honor your father and mother” (Luke 18:18-19). […]
"But God…"
From the introduction to Casey Lute’s encouraging book, But God…The Two Words at the Heart of the Gospel: This is a book about two words. Concerning them, the late James Montgomery Boice wrote, “May I put it quite simply? If you understand those two words — ‘but God’ — they will save your soul. If […]
What the Sermon on the Mount Does Not Mean
Lloyd-Jones, in Studies in the Sermon on the Mount: What, then, are the characteristics of the true Christian? Put positively, it is that he “does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” Our Lord says: “Not every one that says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he that […]
The Counterintuitive Nature of the Gospel
CJ Mahaney, in The Cross Centered Life: Do you see any traces of [a sense of] condemnation in your life? Don’t be surprised if you do. But don’t keep carrying the burden! Because of the gospel’s power you can be completely free of all condemnation. Not mostly free; completely free. Don’t buy the lie that […]
Grace Does Not Need to be Kept in Check
Tullian Tchividjian, from his post “Does the Gospel Scare You?”: So, it’s a mistake to identify the “two cliffs” as being legalism and lawlessness. The one “cliff” is legalism but it comes in two forms—what some call license is just another form of legalism. And if people outside the church are guilty of “break the […]