I saw this recommended by Dan Heath and ordered it. The full title is: Teaching As Leadership: The Highly Effective Teacher’s Guide to Closing the Achievement Gap
What Makes a Good Teacher?
Dan Heath gives some reflections on a recent article in the Atlantic which he highly recommends. He notes: For years, people have speculated about what makes a great teacher. But now there is data. It has been gathered painstakingly by Teach For America for over a decade, and it covers hundreds of thousands of kids. TFA […]
Educating Students or Protecting Jobs?
After discussing how the job of leadership entails applying beliefs to real-world situations, Giuliani gives the New York City school system as an example of how this works out: The New York City school system was never really going to improve until its purpose, its core mission, was made clear. What the system should have […]
Applying Strengths to Parenting and Education
The underlying philosophy in most of the school systems I’ve encountered (growing up and as a parent, with one notable exception) seems to be based on the assumption that a student’s greatest opportunities for growth are in his areas of weakness. Obviously students do need to develop their skills in areas where they don’t demonstrate […]
Sparkcharts: Quick Overviews of Major Topics
A few months ago at Barnes & Noble, I came across a useful set of reference tools called SparkCharts. They provide a basic outline of the major facets of all sorts of subjects. Thus, they can be a good refresher on many subjects that you would have learned in school, but which are important to […]