All of the sessions of the Congress will be put online shortly after they are completed. You can visit the Cape Town 2010 website to listen to or download them.
The Lausanne Movement and Covenant
A great summary by Tyler Kenney at the Desiring God blog.
The Gospel and Globalization
Justin Taylor points out where you can read the advance papers for Lausanne and highlights a couple that might be of interest. Justin highlights these two: Os Guinness and David Wells, “Global Gospel, Global Era: Christian Discipleship and Mission in the Age of Globalization” Tim Keller, “What Is God’s Global Urban Mission? I agree — […]
Why We Need to Give Creative and Competent Thought to Addressing Global Poverty
Psalm 41:1 says “Blessed is he who considers the poor.” In his commentary on the Psalms, Derek Kidner points out: “The word considers is striking, in that it usually describes the practical wisdom of the man of affairs, and so implies giving careful thought to this person’s situation, rather than perfunctory help.” Tim Keller draws […]
Keller on The Gospel and the Poor
This is a very helpful article by Tim Keller on The Gospel and the Poor. Here is the introduction: The original question I was asked to address was “How does our commitment to the primacy of the gospel tie into our obligation to do good to all, especially those of the household of faith, to […]
Broadening Our Understanding of Suffering: The Various Types of Suffering
This is post 2 in the series: Suffering in Our Work and Everyday Lives Selling your house and moving half way around the world to advance the cause of missions is suffering. But is selling your house to just move to another part of the U.S.? What about having to drive to work in cold […]
Suffering in Our Everyday Lives: An Introduction
Post 1 in the Series: Suffering in Our Work and Everyday Lives Today we are going to begin a series on suffering. We are going to look at the different types of suffering, how to endure suffering, what suffering looks like in our work and vocations, God’s role in our suffering, the effects of our […]
What You May Not Have Known About William Carey
William Carey arrived in India in 1793 as a missionary. But what you might not know is the true scope of his work, all done for the sake of the gospel and glory of God. The back cover of The Legacy of William Carey: A Model for the Transformation of a Culture brings this out: […]
The Biggest Sin in Your Church
A recent post by Ed Stetzer. Here are two paragraphs from it: If I preach about gay marriage, everybody cheers. If I preach about sin you can hear the amens ring. But those aren’t the real problems. I tell people that the biggest sin in our church is you sitting there doing nothing and still […]
The Hidden Cost of Debt (and a rule of thumb on when to use it)
There is a good article at the Personal MBA blog on the nefarious hidden cost of debt. And, although not the point of the article, there is a good section on when debt can sometimes be beneficial. This is often overlooked by those hitting (rightly) the note on the dangers of debt and needs to […]