This is a good word, quoted in If Aristotle Ran General Motors: Architecture is about the good, the true, and the beautiful in our edifices and landscapes, and physics is about the good, the true, and the beautiful in nature.
This is Not Science
What is contained in the 3,000 emails and documents that were released last week after the Climate Research Unit’s emails were hacked? The Wall Street Journal gives a brief overview, and you can find even more details here. Here’s one part of the overview from the WSJ: Yet even a partial review of the emails […]
Materialism Cannot Explain Consciousness
Below is an interesting paragraph I jotted down a few years ago from a book called The Mind and the Brain. It’s dense but makes a really good argument against materialism. Materialism is the view that only matter exists, and thus people do not have souls (OK, I grant that no materialist would put it […]
What Science Can't Account For
This is a fantastic riff by William Lane Craig from a 1998 debate. It gets really good 1 minute and 20 seconds in. The point: Science is critically important. But it is a fallacy to think that the only beliefs that are rational are those that can be demonstrated scientifically. For many beliefs that we […]
Marking Man's First Steps on the Moon: Why Did We Go?
Today is the anniversary of the first walk on the moon. In honor of that, here is a great segment from the fantastic book A Man on the Moon: The Voyages of the Apollo Astronauts, summarizing Kennedy in a 1962 speech on why we were going: In the past sixteen months, as Kennedy’s vision had […]
More Apollo 11 Pictures
Here is an excellent series of Apollo 11 pictures that were sent my way. They cover before the launch, to the launch, to the return. Really well done.
Forty Years Ago Today We Took Off For the Moon
It is still incredible that we went to the moon — and returned our people safely home. This is an achievement to be celebrated both in itself and for what it represents — that we are a society that is willing to do big, bold things. Here is a short recap and some photos (via […]
The Rate of the Earth's Curvature
The rate of the earth’s curvature is about 8 inches per mile. At least, that’s what the globe I have in my office here says. That’s interesting.