Zondervan has produced an incredible collection of short and relevant online courses in apologetics. They include courses on evangelism in a skeptical world, tactics for defending and discussing your faith well, cultural apologetics, and many more. Take a look at the trailer for Searching for God:
Anchor the Documentary: Exploring Christianity and Atheism
Several weeks ago, I had a great time being interviewed by Matt Pierce for his upcoming documentary Anchor. As Matt shared with me what he was doing, I thought his vision for the documentary was fantastic and deserves to be known more widely. Anchor is a documentary that explores the atheist and Christian perspectives on the […]
The Kalam Cosmological Argument
This is a great video summarizing the Kalam cosmological argument, which shows how science helps demonstrate that it is fully rational to believe in the existence of God. The Kalam cosmological argument was initially developed in the middle ages, but it has been updated and refined in an incredibly insightful way in recent years by […]
3 Articles on Christopher Hitchens
Justin Taylor Ed Stetzer Doug Wilson in Christianity Today And the New York Times obituary.
3 Historical Facts About the Resurrection of Christ Even Critical Scholars Accept
As we look ahead to Easter on Sunday, it is worth remembering that there is good historical evidence for the resurrection of Christ. Here’s an article I wrote in college (since posted to the DG site) summarizing some of the best of that evidence. The article looks at three facts that virtually all critical scholars […]
Evidence for the Resurrection
The founder of every major world religion is dead, except for one. Here is an article I wrote in college that covers six pieces of historical evidence for the resurrection of Christ. These six facts are acceptable by virtually all scholars–including critical scholars–who address the resurrection.
Harmony of the Resurrection Accounts
Here is a harmony of the resurrection accounts I wrote in college after reading John Wenham’s excellent book Easter Enigma: Are the Resurrection Accounts in Conflict? Wenham shows how every detail of the accounts fits together consistently. I tried to do the same in a short article so that people didn’t have to read the […]
Life After Death: The Evidence
Dinesh D’Souza’s new book Life After Death: The Evidence is out. Sean McDowell reviews the book in a recent post. Here are the first two paragraphs of his review: Is death the end, or is there something more? Does life continue after the grave? According to Dinesh D’Souza, in his new book Life After Death: […]
How Can Jesus Be God and Man?
Equally amazing to the doctrine of the Trinity is the doctrine of the Incarnation — that Jesus Christ is God and man, yet one person, forever. As J.I. Packer has said, “Here are two mysteries for the price of one — the plurality of persons within the unity of God, and the union of Godhead […]
The Significance of Old Testament Apologetics for Ministry
The New Testament apologetic arguments of the last several decades have been a tremendous aid to the ministry of many believers. From popular level works such as Josh McDowell’s More Than a Carpenter to scholarly and highly sophisticated works like Craig Blomberg’s The Historical Reliability of the Gospels, the church is not in want for […]